Monday, October 22, 2007

I have PWS!!

Thanks to Barb for sending this to us. Very true....

I found this on a walker's myspace account who said she found it somewhere on here. I figured I would repost it because it was cute!

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) announced today an unusual outbreak of Pre-Walk Syndrome (PWS) in the State of Michigan. Although residents have been cautioned, PWS is communicable, it is not terminal, though it certainly constitutes a nuisance, not only to its victims, but to the families who care for PWS sufferers.

Symptoms of PWS are as follows: anxiety, nervousness, obsessive packing, unpacking and repacking of duffle bags and suitcases, repeated inflating and deflating of various mattresses, excessive chatter on message boards, a tendency to worry and obsess over small things and excessive fluid intake (only Gatorade will do).

Sufferers of PWS often eat large quantities of ice cream, pasta and meat products, have strange dreams, usually involving various brands of athletic shoes, socks and electrolyte replacements.

PWS sufferers also "lurk" in running stores, examining various water bottles, fanny packs, camel packs, socks and other sports paraphernalia, and are often heard to mutter "Did I get the right brand? Is this right? Should I try this now? No. No. Too late to switch."

Dr. Wal King, of the CDC, states the only known cure for PWS is physical activity. He advises PWS sufferers to take a long walk, preferably 60 miles or more in length.

Many of these symptoms are very true!! I have been to Academy twice in as many days. Been to Run Tex several times--even asked about electrolytes. I've said that it's too late to buy stuff. I've opened and deflated my thermarest. I have stuff ALL over my room. I have baggies everywhere. Obsess over small things. Who, me?! Never! Eating lots of carbs and cookies?! Of course!

I must take the proper precautions and walk 60 miles! O. M. G. I can't believe it's this week!

More (procrastinatory) blogs to come, for sure!

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