Saturday, April 14, 2007

First Walk

Today was my first "training" walk. I call it a training walk because it was my first time to actually meet other folks who are doing the The 3 Day Walk.

I decided a while ago I should create a blog to show and talk about my journey. This will be the place to do that. I think I read there will be computers at the walk. If there are, I'll post daily if I can. I'd like to post about my trainings along the way.

After many emails around and back and forth, I was able to meet Kim and Lisa today. Neither have done A Walk before. We met at Town Lake for an almost 5-mile walk. Even though I was doing the Safe Place walk (an easy 2 miles) this morning, I still told them I would meet them.

It was good to meet other people who will be going on this journey. Conversation never stopped. The miles went by quickly. We were awed by the number of trees down after last night's storm.

I am so glad I was sought out. I knew there were other Austin walkers out there, I just didn't know how to find them! I guess sometimes you have to wait to be found!

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