Saturday, November 10, 2007

Day 1, minus a few hours

Lisa picked me up around 1:00. We made our way to Cris's house, where Erin would meet us.

The drive up was easy, and even a little comical when Erin and Cris started following the wrong truck--into someone's driveway!! We caught up again in West at the, you guessed it, the Kolache Factory. Oh, sweet kolaches, how I do love thee!

We made it to our hotel and immediately saw people we knew were in The Walk. Groups of ladies cackling in the lobby, pink hats, posters and wigs all over the place... Signs of where to meet, what time to be in what places. We took over that hotel!

We met up with Karla and her friends and family and all ventured over to Fuddruckers. Forgot how good (and greasy) that place is!

I slept horrible that night. The paranoia of over-sleeping, the heat of the room, the no circulation, the thoughts, the concerns, the joys, the excitements.... did I eat too much tonight? What if I don't get enough sleep tonight and I'm too tired tomorrow? What if I accidentally kick Cris while we sleep? Oh my gosh, what time is it?! Why am I still awake?

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