Tuesday, September 18, 2007


These days, now that school has started and the miles go up (on weekdays, too), it's sometimes hard to get out and get going. .... I've found myself calling or instant messaging people, basically telling them to tell me to go.

I know I need to, I know I'll feel better if I do. (Even though I sometimes get discouraged with the hour and a half to two hours of my precious weeknight gone.) But sometimes I need that extra little push.

So, thank you to my friends who know when I need you to say "Go! You'll be glad you did!" and when to say, "It's okay to take a break this time."


nicoolio said...

I'm so proud of you! It's wonderful what you're doing, and it's an inspiration to others around you. Sending you major extreme kudos and squishes over the interwebs for your efforts! Love love love you!!! (PS Nicksue = Nicole Suzanne).

Unknown said...

I'm encouraging you to go on this time. You will be glad you did it. It also has a way of giving you a fresh look at "your precious week nights" as we all need to do from time to time. In other words I don't know that there is a better way to spend those week night minutes/hours than on yourself. Love, Dad You go girl!!!