Thursday, June 21, 2007

6 plus 4

Last week I was in San Antonio for Chad's wedding. Ever the work-out-enabler, Amanda went with me on my scheduled 6 mile walk. Few things--6 miles is MUCH more fun with a friend. Even the minutes we didn't talk seemed to fly by, just having a friend near by. Second, 6 miles is MUCH easier on flat ground.

We made two pit-stops. (Let me add "pit stops" to the list of things that made the walk better). One at McDonald's for the bathroom and a second at a peach stand.

I had to do 4 the next day (Sunday), but that I had to do alone. I made the 2 mile jaunt to a coffee shop, went in and had coffee and skimmed the paper before making the return walk. Muy facil.

Makes me want to find some more flat ground around here.

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