Sunday, July 1, 2007

What a difference flat ground makes! .... And people

Last week I met some of the ladies in the Round Rock area for a 6 mile walk. It was so much easier than the walks I've done around my neighborhood for several reasons... It was on flat ground, and it was with people.

Two of the women I had met before, two I had not. We walked and talked. And talked and walked. And listened and walked. We were slated to do 6 miles, but Debbie said she usually did the last 1 mile loop, so I did that, too. Those were the easiest 7 miles. I even emailed her later in the day to make sure we really did do 7.

It was a nice trail (Brushy Creek). It was early enough that it wasn't so hot (let's just say my alarm went off at some point in the 5 o'clock hour, knowing I'd be left behind if I wasn't there on time). There were people on the trail (you know I love people-watching), but not tons; it wasn't crowded like Town Lake can get. It was a very beautiful trail and I hope to make it back there again some time. Especially with those folks.

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