Sunday, July 15, 2007

HillS of Terror!

As promised, my report on today's walk....

I survived the in-famous Hill of Terror. And what a terror they were. "They?" you ask? Yes, there were several.

We met at Murchison Middle School and started walking. Nice neighborhood. Then we got to the sign that said something about "steep grades" the next few miles. That'd be what we were to walk!

Here is the elevation map of what we did today:

See how it starts out at a nice small grade? Then it goes waaay down and then waaay up? Yeah, that's what we did. It was rough. It was steep. A lot of panting. A lot of heavy breathing. But such a sense of accomplishment.

So, I've done the "Hill of Terror." Felt good to do it. It was only 5 miles. Sometimes the group will do it back the other way. Yikes!

I'll be sure to feel it tomorrow (as if I'm not feeling it already today!).!

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