Monday, July 30, 2007

My Beach Blog from awhile ago

Although it was only a week or so ago that I was at the beach, I feel like it was a million years ago. Since then the Six Feet Under marathon has ended, and I have flown literally half-way across the world to see my mom and Greg. I'll write about those walks in a separate blog.

But first, the beach.

I was supposed to walk 10 on Saturday and then 6 on Sunday. Since there are no mile-markers on the beach, I just walked by time. I went 45 minutes in one direction, Kimberly with me for most of it, then back up to her house for a pit stop, then quickly back down for the next 5 miles. I knew if I stopped, I wouldn't be able to go again.

So, in total, I walked about 3 hours. Straight.

It was good. Made for a good nap not long after I got back and showered and ate. Walking on the sand wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be as it was pretty compacted from all the cars. And I found a cool shell to take home. There seemed to be enough that I could take just one.

Once again, the time with the people (i.e. the almost 1.5 hours with Kimberly) went by much faster. I've learned that it's better, for me, to listen to people. Like talk radio or morning shows or my new fave on Saturday mornings, Car Talk. If I listen to music, the music doesn't drown out my thoughts.

I know that all that walking could be a good time to reflect and think and plan and stuff.... but it's like it's too much. I can't get away from my thoughts. And that's not always a good thing. I'm sure some sensai would tell me that's the best time, but I just don't want to be stuck with my thoughts for so long. And not that I even have all that much to think on right now, anyway. But I'm sure once school starts again, I will.

Anyway, all that to say that I have learned I liked the spoken word more than the singing word during my long walks. That's not to say if I walked with someone and they wanted to sing that I would stop them...

But walking on the beach was nice. I did walk close to the water a few times, and even stuck my hand in it. (I tried not to let the thougt of the news reports of the flesh-eating virus get to me).

It was my first 10 mile walk, which meant I got to put another sticker on my lanyard.

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