Sunday, July 1, 2007

Let's get some shoes

Last week, after my 7 mile walk, and a large brunch (of which I felt no guilt eating all of), I went to RunTex, since I had heard they were good with helping you figure out your perfect shoe. I took in my current pair and the salesman said it looked like my walk was pretty even. That's a good sign.

He asked if I had been on my feet much yet, as your feet swell during the day, and you should buy shoes later in the day. Um, yeah....been on my feet for 7 miles already. :)

I tried on about 10 different pairs. Normally I wouldn't care so much about the perfect shoe, but knowing the miles that I'd be clocking on these shoes, I knew they had to be just right.

I did find a good pair. I'm getting a bit of a blister on the bottom of my pinky toe on the my right foot, though. I don't know if it will just "go away," or if I'll wear down what I need to, or if I'll need to start over. They do seem to be good shoes for now.

1 comment:

Erin said...

HI Jess,
I would love to walk with you if you weren't 5 states away! I think it be great motivation to have a walking/running partner. Oh well.....Keep up the good work anywho!