Sunday, July 1, 2007

7 + 6

This weekend was pretty difficult. For the same reason that last week's walks were easy. I was alone, and on the hills of my neighborhood.

Luckily I had some good radio going and I even got to hear all of Click and Clack. For some reason, on the longer walks, I like hearing the voices. When I have music, I can go along with the beat. But for the longer walks, I like the company.

Yesterday (Saturday), I walked a pretty hard 7 miles. (Not nearly as rough as the 5 I did a week or so ago--I won't be doing that walk again!) It took just over 2 hours.

Today I walked 6. About the same as yesterday. Pretty hard. Pretty lonely.

It's hard to get started. Usually the first 1/2 mile or so, I hate it. I think of how much more I have to go and that I just don't want to do it. Then I kind of get in the zone and I'm fine. Today, though, during the end, I hit a frustrated point. I just wanted to be done. But I trudged through. And it's 10:45 a.m. right now and I've already walked 6 miles. I am proud of that, I will say!

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