Saturday, July 14, 2007

Yes, even in the rain!

Today the training schedule told me to walk 8 miles. A group of women were meeting at Brushy Creek, and I decided to meet them again, despite the early wake-up time on a Saturday. (Whatever, it's summer!). I had met them there before. It's an easy walk. It's a pretty walk. And the women I walk with are fun.

Rain was predicted. I don't have my perfect jacket yet, but did stick one in my camelbak at the last minute. By the by, I never used it. I was glad to have the hat Adrienne gave me for my birthday, though. Although not waterproof, it kept the rain out of my face.

The rain felt good. It was a steady rain. Not too hard, but not a sprinkle, either. Just a nice solid, steady rain. There were a few patches of trees and a few patches of dry-ness, but overall, I got back to my car pretty wet. Not soaked to the bone, but pretty wet.

They say you should train in all conditions. So, there was my rain. And no jacket yet to test out.

To be honest, I walked slightly less than 8 miles. But who's counting?

Tomorrow I'll be walking the "Far West Hill of Terror." It's "only" 5 miles, but I'll be sure to let you know how it goes. I hear it's tough.

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