Tuesday, June 12, 2007

I was clocked today!

Today was an "easy" 3 mile walk. I've found I really enjoy the 3 mile walks because they really are getting easy. I've been doing the same route, so it's familiar. And, well, when you've moved up to 5 (I do 6 this week), 3 seems easy.

I walked up my main street to see 2 cops pointing thier radar guns at cars as they passed. Of course everyone was moving super slow. I smiled and said hi to one of them. I saw the other, but didn't see what he was doing.

Made my way up the hill--once I get up that hill, all is good, I've decided. I got into my zone, and think I walked a bit slower than normal. I've realized it's stamina, not speed. I'm not training for a race, I'm training for a 60-mile walk.

On my return route, the officers were still there. One was to the side of the road, issuing a ticket. The other was clocking cars as they drove past. I watched as he followed the cars with his radar. I thought he was pointing his radar gun on cars behind me. He held up three fingers.

"Is that what I'm going? Three?"
"Yeah... You were going faster uphill than down"
(I admit, I had slowed considerably going down hill)
"I'm on mile three."
"Well, you're doing better than I am."
I just can't not let people know what it is I'm doing.
"I'm training for the Susan G. Komen 3 Day. ... It's 60 miles."
"Is that down town?"
"No, there's several around the nation. This one is in Dallas in October."
"After the hill country, that will seem like a breeze."
"Yeah, this is a hard neighborhood. .... Thanks... Have a good day."

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