Sunday, September 16, 2007

I heard ACL! .... or at least a sound check

Today was tough, yes, but not as tough as yesterday. Today was a mere 12. (Supposed to do 13, but we were all more than okay with only doing 12). Started with 8 of us. We stopped for a bathroom break (I think there was one bathroom I didn't stop at. ... That's what I get for drinking more than 100 oz of water!), and some who had to get to getting went on.

Four of us had a nice walk. We took it easy, walked slower at times, rested lots. Walked a bit more speedily toward the end. We all hurt. We empathized and sympathized with one another. We talked. But not nearly as much as we did yesterday. We just didn't have it in us.

I think I realized we had truly lost it when Karla and I about bust a gut at our shadow puppets. The sun was bright behind us. We had super long fingers, which soon turned to dogs and butterflies and swans.

My blister/callous thing is better. Still pretty gross looking, but not as bad as it could be (knock on wood). I started with a sore ankle. It's a weak ankle anyway. When my toes were going numb, I decided it was okay not to wear the brace anymore.

As we neared the end, we could hear some of the ACL stages prepping. First we heard the Star Wars theme, followed by the Chariots of Fire theme. We got a burst of .... something ... and were able to make it a few more feet without collapsing. Our dogs truly were barking.

I'm pretty wiped today. It's 7:00 and I think I could go to bed for the night. ...

So, I've done the hardest part. Our longest training is 18 miles. I've done that. Now I know I can do that. There's no turning back now. ... Here we go!

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