Wednesday, September 5, 2007

I hit the wall...

Since the end of May, I have walked some sort of mileage many days. While in Singapore, I didn't do tons of walking. Some days I slacked a bit. Most days, though, I was "on."

Sometime last week, I hit the wall. I was already feeling like I couldn't do it. Even Saturday, I asked MJ how to deal with the mental frustrations. She didn't have much to offer on that, as we started discussing what to do when you get home. The cold bath was helpful.

I was tired and sore after the 24 miles in two days, but I was surprised by my recovery.

Sometime early last week, VM emailed to say that the new meeting time would be at 6:00 a.m. 6:00!! I almost freaked. I hit that point of, "oh, my, gosh, I can't do that!" I didn't want to not walk, but I almost felt like I just couldn't. I have a long-ish commute to get there anyway. And that time after the first week of school just was not going to be any fun.

I talked and talked with people. I think I needed to hear it was okay not to go. One day. One day, people. That's it.

J from work is doing the MS150. The first time he trained, he said he was going to follow the schedule. His friends laughed and said 'have fun.' He didn't follow the suggested schedule.

I've realized I don't have to, either.

I woke up at 7:00 on Saturday, said a "thank goodness I haven't been walking for an hour," and went back to sleep.

I did get up on Sunday to walk. We met at 7:00 at Town Lake. It was a nice walk. An easy 11 (how funny that now 11 can be easy!).

I did walk yesterday, I did my cardio today, and I may or may not get to walk tomorrow.

And I'm okay with that.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Jessica! You're doing good and don't worry about taking a break every once in a while. I grew to hate the trail at Brushy Creek so last weekend I decided to go it alone. I walked from my house near Ohlen Road all the way to Town Lake and it felt great. The change of pace, the later start time, the different view...all played a large part in my ability to do more mileage and not feel completely drained or limited on my Friday night activities. The higher the mileage gets, we all need to be able to do walks that keep us satisfied and motivated. VM and DC have dropped the Sunday walk at the hills for the same reason. They walk in their neighborhood now. Nobody likes dreading to wake up the next morning because you no longer look forward to your walk. -- Anyway, hope school is going well and hope to see you on the trail! :)