Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Shin splints

Last Sunday, I had to do 6 miles. I did it in my neighborhood, since it was such a small amount. Part way through, though, my shins started hurting.

Yeah, I think I got the shin splints. Just in one leg, though. And not that bad...

Couple thing against me--new shoes and lots of hills. Two things people asked me about when I told them of the shins. I really hope it's not the shoes. I just got two pairs of the same shoe. Almost out of desperation. I need to break in my new shoes, and there's a HUGE walk this weekend, so I felt like I had to get the shoes this past weekend.

I've been icing it some, and wore an ACE bandage for about 2 days. I feel better now. Will do lots of stretching before my 6 miles this evening. I want to gear up for Saturday, but I also know to take it easy.

I really do think I am lucky enough to have a mild case...especially after some of the horror stories I've heard about.

Hopefully next time I write about my new shoes, it will be with praise and adoration and not of "These stupid shoes ruined me!"

Wish me luck!

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