Thursday, September 13, 2007

Mama didn't raise no quitter!

That time I had to walk my mileage on the treadmill, while Kimberly was getting harassed by her trainer, I wanted to give up. She got next to me--it was only like 5 miles I had to do--and wouldn't let me quit. "Mama didn't raise no quitter!" she told me. Not that it was hard. It wasn't. I was just bored. I was sick of the treadmill... It was the middle of the afternoon, there wasn't much people-watching and only court shows with people yelling at each other were on the TVs I could see.

Well, I had that mantra in the back of my head today as I wanted to give up. It wasn't too hot (in fact it was nearing cool), I wasn't bored (I had my talk radio on), I just wanted to be done. ... Also, I thought my bladder was going to explode. I had already mapped out my 6 miles. I thought about fudging.... but knew I couldn't.

So I didn't.

So, there. I did my "requisite" 6 miles today. Whew. And, honestly, 6 miles isn't that bad. I just wanted to be home. And now I am...

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