Thursday, September 13, 2007


I must be a weird sort of way I'm looking forward to walking 17 miles on Saturday!! Is that crazy or what?!

I talked to Jody today and we talked about how we may not always enjoy the working out part, but it's the being done part that makes us feel so good. I think that's part of why I'm looking forward to Saturday's walk. To say, "hey, I walked 17 miles today!" (Now give me that second bowl of queso).

And I'll be walking with these women I've really gotten to know and like, which always makes the morning go better.

And the funny thing? I'm not worried that I can't do it. I know I can.

What a change of attitude from a few weeks ago. Even Debbie said something about my short email about how great my attitude was. I'm glad it showed through in even an email. I'm so glad I took that Saturday off not long ago. I've also been a bit softer on myself when missing a work out. I try not to miss a walk day (hence making myself go today), but I've realized it really will be okay if I miss a workout. And, well, really it's fine if I miss a walk day, too.

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