Friday, May 11, 2007

Raising Money

Raising money was easy. There are special rewards (like a pink lanyard) if you raise X amount of dollars in the first X amount of days. I did that. Easily. I woudly wear my pink lanyard!

Walkers must raise $2200 in order to walk. That was easy for me, too. I set that as my original goal, and hit it. Pretty quickly. So I changed my goal to $3000. And then I hit that (thanks, mom!)

I've met some of the other Austin walkers. Some said they've barely started thier fundraising. One woman is walking, partly to work on her fundraising skills (there's more to it than that, yes). I sort of want to brag how easy it was for me to raise money, but I also want to be a bit humble about it. But, I'll yell it out, it was easy! I sent three (I think) varieties of emails to different groups. And the rest, as they say, is history.

I knew it would be easy. I just didn't know how easy!

I hope the walking training will be just as easy!

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