Monday, October 8, 2007

Are you gonna write about us??!!

Jan was the one who asked that. I think she needed to be sure that I'd mention the walking we did this weekend.

Friday night I flew up to Sioux Falls, SD. And since this entry is part-way in honor of Jan, I'll say she was just about the best hostess ever!! I hadn't had a real dinner, and had my fill of granola bars and gum-chewing. When I got to her house, she made me soup, a sandwich, a brownie, milk and the best wine! I felt so much better after that!

We got up Saturday morning--delicious poppy seed muffins in the making--and left to go get mom. Grandpa (who's birthday we were celebrating that weekend) made a joke, in the way he does, about me not being able to do the walk. I laughed it off, knowing he wasn't serious.

The three of us drove to a nearby park and walked about 5 miles total (if i go by time). There was a big band competition going on and we got to hear some of them playing and marching. The walk was beautiful. Birds sang, the wind blew (slightly), conversation flowed. It was very nice.

We got back to the cars and mom and Jan left; I kept walking. I walked about 2 miles alone back to Jan's. It was a nice walk. An easy walk (i.e. not many hills). Although I was supposed to do 10, I did about 7 I figure.

I called grandpa when I got back to ask if I could ride with him to the party. He said to me, after I told him I just got back, "you must really be serious about this." I said I was. Of course!

I was supposed to walk 8 on Sunday, but because of church, the necessity of The Original Pancake House, and seeing a friend I hadn't seen in 6 years, there just wasn't time for walking. I figure the trucking it down the Denver airport corridor covered some of it. Like maybe a tenth of a mile or something.

Anyway, all this to say, it was a an awesome weekend. Jan sent me a very sweet email saying that I'm showing with my feet how much I love and support mom. Of course I can't remember the exact words now, but it was very sweet.

So, yes. I am showing with me feet all that I am capable of! (and you should see the callouses these feets are getting!)

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