Saturday, October 13, 2007

"You're probably walking right now...."

I can't tell you how many phone messages I've gotten with that phrase in it.

Hey, what's up? You're probably out walking right now.

Hey, how are you? I bet you're walking. ... Cuz you just told me you were going to go walking.

You're probably walking, but wanted to talk to you about tonight. You're awesome.

Got another one of those today. Well, it's hard not to, when you walk for 6 hours and 40 minutes!! That's how long we walked today. I stopped my watch during a few of our rests. I figure we were out more than seven hours.

That's a lot of walking!

We stopped at every bathroom, rested several times, even went into the Holiday Inn for a bathroom pit stop. We were very tempted to stop for some "Power Pancakes," but kept on trucking. It's always nice to stop at the hotels. They have running water in the sinks and soap and towels and everything!

Was a good and very long walk today.

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