Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Take that, Atkins!

As you may know, they (as in the 3 Day people) have been sending me a weekly email about training. The walks I should do that week, as well as some tid-bits of information, like how to deal with blisters or what kinds of sports drinks to drink.

Well, last week they sent a very important email about carb-loading about 3 days before the walk. Well, I'm not one not to follow rules, so I just HAD to go eat a bunch of carbs. I mean, I don't want them to come track me down or something!

On one of our walks, several women had talked about Mandola's. What a great place to load up on said carbs.

You know I try to watch what I eat. You know I try to be a little careful. Most of the time. Well, not tonight. Tonight I ate until I about burst. It was fun. I haven't eaten that much in a long time. I didn't eat my normal snacks after school, I made myself hungry (even though I was slightly nauseas, thinking about things).

Dinner was delicious. We all ate lots. We also got this antipasto plate thing, filled with meats and cheeses and tapanades and such yumminess. Desserts were all good, although I think we actually enjoyed the dinner more than the desserts--I know, I know!

Some of my most favorite people in the world were there and I couldn't have asked for a better night. What a great way to load up on carbs!!

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