Monday, October 29, 2007

I'm home.

I'm home. It's 11:06 a.m. and I'm still in my p.j.'s, having hobbled down to get some breakfast. Or brunch. Whatever that is.

I have so much to write about, to say, to show. I have my own pictures, and will get pictures from my team mates soon, too. I just don't know if I have it in me yet.

I will say I have some killer blisters and a very painful shin splint. I am quite the hobbler. I've applied Icy Hot, taken some Advil and will take a cold bath with epsom salts soon. I'm hoping I'm at least able to walk for school tomorrow!

I canceled my pedicure for this afternoon. And I have a massage tomorrow night that I will NOT be canceling!

I promise to write more throughout the week, and will put pictures up.
I just need a bit of breathing room first.

1 comment:

Armin Steege said...

Yes, I'm sure there are lot of aches and pains, though it would be hard to realize how it would be if you weren't in the good shape you already were. This is an accomplishment that will stay with you the rest of your life. And the joy of the ocassion was witnessed in the closing ceremonies. What a special thing to be a part of. Love you.