Saturday, October 13, 2007

"You did one day's worth!"

Today when I talked to Kimberly about our plans for tonight--when I couldn't even decide if I wanted to do dinner or not--she reminded me I did one day's worth today. And we did! We walked about 19.4 today.

Yes, it was rough, but it was do-able. I went through different phases. I actually started with much higher energy than I usually start with, so I was glad about that.

My legs didn't hurt that much, really. It was my feet. The bottoms of my feet. At times my shoulder hurt because of my camelbak. At other times, my head hurt...because of the hat? Because of the sweat? I don't know. I had a couple moment of "OH..... MY .... GOSH....." Toward the end, I was In The Zone and I trudged forward, sometimes in front of the rest of the gang. I knew I had to just do it and get to the end.

We took lots of breaks. We changed our socks. We told stories. Got to meet a new person, Gwen, too. She told me that if I needed inspiration about running a 5K, that she ran her first (of 5) marathons the year she turned 50. She's going for her 6th in her 60th year.

We talked about The Walk, and what it would be like. Our fears, our excitement, our nervousness, our joy, our disbelief that it's just around the corner. Lisa and I shared how we feel so emotional all the time. (Luckily for me, it sounds, I don't have a husband who has to deal with it!)

We talked about how today was "fine," but we have the rest of our lives going on. We have to go home and do laundry and buy groceries (and go play Bingo!) and stuff. And when we're doing The Walk, that's all we're doing, which makes things seem more achievable.

I am tired now, yes. And my legs do hurt now. Actually, my feet more than anything. But I do feel like if I had to get up and walk the same amount again tomorrow, I could.

And that makes me proud of me. Of all of us.

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