Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Fun Baskets

I received two baskets today. Both were fabulous.

One was from a group of people from school. An orange Halloween basket, filled with pink stuff so appropriate for the walk--blister rub, powder, band-aids, Advil, certificate for massage, certificate for pedicure, a hat, pj's, a coffee mug, tic-tacs, socks....all sorts of fun stuff. Also a very nice card that several ladies had signed. I'll carry that card with me.

At dinner, Amanda and Kimberly gave me an edible bouquet. And boy was it yummy! Or at least the pieces I ate. These strawberry-covered strawberries (like chocolate covered, but a strawberry coating of sorts) and tons of fruit. They both know I'd prefer the "healthier" option. Pretty flowers out of pineapples and cantaloupe balls, stars out of honey dew. So pretty. So tasty.

Hmm...I think I'll have some fruit with breakfast tomorrow. :)

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